The blackened stage appeared timeless Like a long yawning moonless night Darkness stretched out pervasively When all that needed concealment Was safely out of sight From a carbon-arc spotlight There shone a beam dazzlingly bright Seeing the stage as revealed The waiting audience clapped and screamed And before the roar could fade The masked magician stepped inside The white-hot spot The clattering din rose And then shrank To a dot Almost hushed Almost focused Under the looming sepia sheet The pleasure-hunting folk Looked out for joy… Through the shimmering white hole With mathematical elegance As if miming an exotic dance And chanting unfamiliar words of far-away lands The conjurer swayed his crafty hands Sprinkling the air with maya sparkles There was nothing but clockwork motion Interrupted by spectacular apparitions Was that magic or expansive aberrations? The gazing public Under the spell of music and light Spoon-fed on rich doses of delight Swallowed it all in a lump And slowly let their muscles slump Into a bemused shaking jelly heap Gradually provoking First boredom Then sleep "That's not very deep" Thought poets Fighting off their own sleep As they got keen To uncover The unseen Becoming witnesses to their deep blues Poets searched diligently for clues To the enchantment of joy They turned away from the illusion of light And refused the grotesque servings of delight Surprised, sleepy folk took a poke At 'deprived' poets' plight Said, "That's not very bright" But poets pursued their inner fight For, though not sure, it seemed right Poets sat poised in restless peace Facing darkness for ages They acted with seeming self neglect Like ungroomed Hindu sages Awake, there and aware Despite a blank motionless stare Poets played alchemy with their juices Denying all they had ever been told They had set out to make their own gold Away from the glare of light Little at a time With each breath Poets accrued insight Into all – self, darkness and light Joy was in the breath In pleasure, sorrow, life and death That was joy That was all And all was that © Jitendra Khanna 2006 |